Guest Writers Reading and Reception
Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Guest Author for Yukon Public Libraries
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Readings and slideshow presentation in Burwash Landing (Ap 30), Tagish (May 1), Whitehorse (May 1), Carmacks (May 2), Faro (May 2), Ross River (May 3), Carcross (May 4).

Unique Lives - Book Presentation
Monday, November 12, 2018
Slides and presentation of End of the Rope with Unique Lives, ElderCollege

Event #58 Starting Over
Friday, October 19, 2018
Tara Henley in Conversation with Jan Redford and Jackie Kai Ellis

Event #54 Lives Off Road
Friday, October 19, 2018
Amanda Lewis in Conversation with Jan Redford, Kate Harris, and Joanna Streetly at the Vancouver Writers Festival
Writing Mountains Panel - Thinking Mountains Conference, Banff, Alberta
Tuesday, October 02, 2018
Writing Mountains: An on-stage conversation about women, mountains, and memoir, with Canadian writers Kate Harris, Jan Redford, and Margo Talbot. Moderated by Tina Loo, Department of History, University of British Columbia.

Angie Abdou and Jan Redford in Conversation with Hal Wake
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Hal Wake, recent Artistic Director of the Vancouver Writers Festival, leads writers Jan Redford, End of the Rope, and Angie Abdou, Home Ice, in a frank conversation about the pleasures and pitfalls of life writing. The two authors discuss the tricky balance between sharing enough but not too much, and arriving at far-reaching truths about contemporary life. Salt Spring Island Public Library

Memoir, Marriage, Motherhood, and Mountains: Angie Abdou and Jan Redford in Conversation with Hal Wake
Monday, September 10, 2018
Hal Wake, recent Artistic Director of the Vancouver Writers Festival, leads writers Jan Redford, End of the Rope, and Angie Abdou, Home Ice, in a frank conversation about the pleasures and pitfalls of life writing. The two authors discuss the tricky balance between sharing enough but not too much, and arriving at far-reaching truths about contemporary life.

Interview with Dave White on CBC Yukon Radio
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
A conversation about Atlin Lit-Up and what it's like to be back in the Yukon after 45 years.

In Conversation with Peter Jickling and Jan Redford with moderator, Joanna Lilley
Sunday, July 08, 2018
Jan Redford, from Squamish, BC, author of End of the Rope and Peter Jickling, poet and playwright from Whitehorse, will each read from their work and talk about what it feels like to be a new author exposing your soul in prose and in verse, when you’re not so new to the writing scene. Hosted by Yukon author Joanna Lilley.

Memoir Workshop-Atlin Lit-Up Festival
Saturday, July 07, 2018
Workshop: How to Write a Memoir in Less Than Twelve Years
With Jan Redford, author of End of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage & Motherhood (Random House).
As an author who spent approximately twelve years to write her memoir of love and loss in the mountains, Jan Redford is full of ideas of what NOT to do next time. She will share the biggest brick walls she encountered, and how she scaled them to land a book deal with Random House Canada. Come prepared to share your own brick walls so we can pool our collective wisdom and brainstorm our way to solutions with the liberal use of Crayola markers, stickies, huge rolls of paper, and laughter.

Reading Frenzy with Telluride MountainFilm Festival
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Between the Covers Bookstore — Telluride’s beloved purveyor of books — moves up to Hotel Madeline Sunday afternoon of the festival weekend for a celebration of Mountainfilm authors who will sign and sell their books. It’s a bookworm’s dream come true.

Discussion with Joseph Planta on TheCommentary
Friday, May 10, 2019
I am Planta: On the Line, in Vancouver, at TheCommentary.ca.
One of the more affecting memoirs is the one just published by Jan Redford, End of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage, and Motherhood. Ms. Redford recounts her life in and around climbing mountains, about family, her life, being a mom and finding her identity. The reader also gets a good sense of the climbing community. Jan was one of the few women part of this lifestyle. Jan Redford’s writing has been published in the Globe and Mail, National Post, Mountain Life, Explore, and anthologies. She has won and been shortlisted in several writing contests. She is a graduate of the Writer’s Studio at SFU, and holds a master’s in creative writing from UBC. This new book is published by Random House. Please welcome to the Planta: On the Line program, from Squamish, British Columbia, Jan Redford; Ms. Redford, good morning.

Golden Launch of End of the Rope
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Golden Launch of End of the Rope
April 24 at 7 PM - 10 PM
Island Restaurant, Golden
Come on out to help me celebrate the launch of my book, End of the Rope! Music, readings, book signings, food, and drinks.

Canmore Launch of End of the Rope
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Canmore Launch of End of the Rope
April 22 at 7 PM - 10
Georgetown Pub, Canmore
Come on out to the Georgetown at 7 tonight to help me celebrate the launch of my book, End of the Rope in my old stomping grounds 😀. Short reading, book signing, lots of gabbing and possibly live music!

Fernie In Conversation with Jan Redford & Angie Abdou
Thursday, April 19, 2018
April 19 at 7 PM - 10 PM
Fernie Distillers, Fernie

Book Talk with screening of Dirtbag The Legend of Fred Beckey
Monday, April 16, 2018
Join us for a conversation with adventure journalist Jayme Moye and Jan Redford as she talks about her new book, End of the Rope. TAWKROC The Association of West Kootenay Rock Climbers presents the documentary viewing of: “Dirtbag:The legend of Fred Beckey”.

Squamish Book Launch
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Squamish Book Launch
April 14 at 7 PM - 10 PM
Brackendale Art Gallery, Squamish
Squamish Book Launch! Please come join in the celebration. Reading and speeches will be short so we can enjoy the live music by Marmalade Skies. Food. Drinks. Books sold by Armchair Books. Book signing. Kids welcome. Donations at the door for the venue much appreciated. Hope to see you there! Brackendale Art Gallery April 14 7-10pm.

Whistler Panel: Outdoor Endurance & Survival
Friday, April 13, 2018
Outdoor Endurance & Survival Panel
April 13 at 7 PM - 10 PM
Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre
"What kind of physical and mental grit does it take to endure extreme conditions and situations faced outdoors? Come sit on the edge-of-your-seat with us at an evening with authors Erik Bjarnason, Kate Harris, Jan Redford and Paul Suter as they reveal tales of their personal explorations on the boundaries of survival. Find out what it’s like to persevere in the face of a devastating mountaineering injury; explore the nature of limits on a bicycle expedition along the Silk Road; follow a young climber’s struggle to become whole by testing herself on mountains and life; and experience the battle of an athlete forced to reinvent himself after suffering a serious concussion."

The Hive: Amanda Lewis in conversation with Kate Harris and Jan Redford
Thursday, April 12, 2018
The Hive North Shore Climbing Gym
Join us for an event featuring two incredibly brave and adventurous women to present their latest memoirs. As Jan Redford climbs mountain faces in "End of the Rope" and Kate Harris cycles across the Silk Road in "Lands of Lost Borders", their lives are changed through unexpected and sometimes life-shattering events, but they keep moving forward through triumph and tragedy. In conversation with their mutual Random House editor.

CBC The Homestretch Radio Interview with Doug Dirks
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
CBC The Homestretch
Climber and author Jan Redford on 'End of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage and Motherhood'
Alberta is home to a diverse and dynamic climbing community that thrives both in climbing gyms and on bolted mountain routes. But 40 years ago, that wasn't the case. Back in the 1980's, Canadian rock climbers were mostly men. Jan Redford was one of the few exceptions. As a teen, she ran away from home -- right up a mountain face and from there she was hooked. Redford recently published a memoir recalling that time in her life. It's called, End of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage and Motherhood. Jan Redford spoke with host Doug Dirks.

Bolen Books, Victoria: Readings and conversation with Kate Harris
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Join us for an event featuring two incredibly brave and adventurous women to present their latest memoirs. As Jan Redford climbs mountain faces and Kate Harris cycles across the Silk Road, their lives are changed through unexpected and sometimes life-shattering events, but they keep moving forward through triumph and tragedy to become the women you get to see in-store.
Join us on April 10th at 7:00 pm for two unforgettable stories from two unforgettable guests.

Vancouver Official Launch of End of the Rope
Saturday, April 07, 2018
Launch Party for Jan Redford's End of the Rope
Vancouver Film School
Please join me to celebrate the launch of End of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage & Motherhood. Books sold by 32 Books. April 7th at the Vancouver Film School Cafe on Hastings. There will be snacks, wine, music (well, an iphone) and a book signing. I promise to keep the reading short and the cussing to a minimum!

CFAX Radio Victoria with host Mark Brennae
Friday, April 06, 2018
CFAX Radio Victoria host Mark Brennae interviews Jan Redford about her new book, End of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage, and Motherhood

Canada Now with Jeff Sammut
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
Canada Now with Jeff Sammut
Wed Apr 04, 2018
New interview on @SXMCanadaNow with Jeff Sammut on @SXMCanadaTalks ch.167. Excited to share the show with Shaun Proulx and Lesley Scorgie.
LIVE on air (Mon-Fri 12pm-2pm ET Canada Talks Ch.167) Cassandra Bielas | Producer

Writing Memoir Panel – Toronto Reference Library
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
Ayelet Tsabari, award-winning author of The Best Place on Earth, and current Writer in Residence at Toronto Public Library, will lead a panel of authors who have written memoirs (Kamal Al-Solaylee, author of Brown and Intolerable, Jan Redford, author of End of the Rope and Chelene Knight, author of Dear Current Occupant). They will share their stories and struggles with the genre and offer insights and advice.

Book Signing
Tuesday, April 03, 2018
Book Signing
Wed Apr 3, 2018
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Penguin Shop, Toronto
Book signing and talk.

Saturday, November 07, 2015
Join writers Angie Abdou, Bernadette McDonald, Margo Talbot, Jan Redford and Majka Burhardt for a discussion of mountain literature by and about women, moderated by Katie Ives, editor-in-chief of Alpinist Magazine, and presented by Alpinist and Imaginary Mountain Surveyors.